Darrell Brooks Story - Waukesha Christmas Parade

In that case, the $1,000 bond suggestion made by a prosecutor was "inappropriately low," according to the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office, which announced Monday that it was starting an internal probe. A court commissioner approved the set bail amount.

After nearly continual interruptions by Brooks, who lacks legal background, jury selection started on Monday.

Brooks was frequently escorted from the courtroom by Waukesha County Circuit Judge Jennifer Dorow, who also threatened to appoint an attorney for him if his disruptive behavior persisted.

Twelve jurors plus four alternates were chosen on Tuesday evening after Brooks was sent to a different courtroom to participate via video owing to his disturbances.

The trial's testimony phase is scheduled to start on Thursday.

Questions regarding Brooks' tactics and whether he meant to delay the trial were raised by his request to represent himself and his earlier decision to drop his insanity defense plea.

Numerous witnesses would likely testify during several weeks of the proceedings.