Schemes launched by Manohar Lal

Shree. Manohar Lal,  the current Chief Minister of the Haryana state is working toward the people of the Haryana state so that each and every facility could be provided to the people of the state easier and faster. Shree. Manohar Lal launched a Number of schemes during his tenure which you should be aware of as the resident of Haryana as well as the student as to know about the current affairs and get linked to them should only be possible if you are aware of them. So in the article below you will be guided about the information about the schemes which are launched by the Manohar Lal Government for the welfare of the people. 

Shree Manohar Lal

You can know about some of the schemes by Manohar Lal as follows:

1.Village Mentoring Project

The village mentoring project was started by the Manohar Lal government in the Haryana state for the upliftment of the villagers living in the state of Haryana. The Village Mentoring project will lead to improving the condition of education in the state.  The project is aimed to be started in the 22 District of the state. The people from the different educational associations, institutions are the part of the scheme. The main focus is for promoting girl education in the state.

2. Thari Pension, There Pass project

The project Thari Pension, There Pass project was another project launched during the Manohar Lal Government. Under the scheme launched the government funded  Rs 13.23 crore and the 6757 villagers of the Haryana will be funded by the scheme and the scheme is linked to their bank account so the benefit is transferred to their bank account, post office, or cooperatives.

3. Seven Star Village scheme

The seven-star village scheme is the development scheme. The development of the villages will take place under the scheme and the scheme will cover the policies related to the children, men, women. The star will be awarded to the people according to the development in the area. The railway lines will be made under the seven-star project and the project is funded  Rs. 20 crore for the seven-star village scheme.

4.  Micro Irrigation Scheme

The Haryana government has also launched a project named Micro irrigation for the people of the state. The Micro irrigation will lead to Rs 435.23 Crore for the project cost and the micro irrigation will be implemented in 13 districts. The project will help in the soil water recharge underneath by generating the 36 overlapped and significant cubes.

Recently a new project has been launched by the government of Haryana, the project name is Harera’s Website which will help the people to make the online complaints at the portal which will make the life of people more comfortable. The property-related issues will be solved for the people at the Harera’s Website.

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